Monday, March 10, 2014

Art Lesson #1

So in art school, or any good drawing class you take, they will start out with the basics. That is where I plan to start. It is called blind contour drawing.

Basically you take an assortment of objects, put them on a table, and draw the contours (or outlines) of them without looking at the paper. Also, don't lift your pencil as you are drawing. Seems easy enough. But like all simple things the devil is in the details.

While you are drawing these items it is important to match the speed of your eye tracing the lines, to the speed of your pencil or pen. This is kind of difficult in the beginning because you will catch yourself getting ahead with one, while you play catch up with the other.

This exercise is to teach you to see your subject (whatever you are drawing). It is also used to match up your hand eye coordination, which can only make your drawings better. Don't just view this as an exercise though. Look at your blind contour drawings, as long as you took your time and did your best, they will have a unique beauty.

Speaking of time and effort. Don't try to rush your drawings. Good drawing classes will be between 2-4 hours long, with a few breaks. This is because you kind of enter the "zone" after the first hour or so.

Some people find that listening to music helps them to draw better. I am not in the habit of listening to music as I am drawing, unless I am trying to tune something out. Most people, when they enter the "zone" kind of automatically tune out their surroundings. Focusing completely on their work.

This stuff takes work and time. Expect to make mistakes, but don't get angry. It happens, and sometimes you may begin to like that mistake in a drawing after a bit. Drawing is supposed to be fun and art. If you want a perfect drawing of something, then take a photograph. If you want something personal and fulfilling then pick up a pencil, and get to work.

Toothaches Suck

I haven't made a post in a few days, or been online much at all. I have had, and still have, a killer toothache. Which sucks enough as it is, but I have allergies at the moment as well. So fun fun.

I talked a lot in my introduction post about how I wanted to teach everyone something. Then I showed a few of my drawings. So my next post will be a drawing lesson for you.

I already have it planned out. So all I have to do is write it up and post it. It will be up tonight.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Following a tutorial by Mark Crilley on youtube. (Mark Crilley)
An idea for a small animation I had a while ago. Sort of Invader Zim stylized.

Its all on one big page, I took pictures of portions of it.

Forgot to turn it right-side up.

Some other character ideas for the animation.
There we go. "Kersplat" or maybe "Clank Crash".
Doesn't he look scared for a little robot? Though if a demon looking alien was after me, I would be scared too.

A small picture I drew on the back of a note card for my daughter.

A second picture drawn on the back of a note card for my daughter.

A simple human heart.

A few of my daughter's toys. I was going to make her a small cartoon with them in it.
This is just some of the artwork that I have done. The rest I will have to find. Look forward to it and new artwork.

About me and the title of this blog.

I am a father to a beautiful little girl. She is almost two years old, and a handful. She is the most amazing little thing in the world, bar none.

I am a husband to a wonderful wife, that I love to death. Even if she drives me insane half time, and nags me to death the other half. Heh I love you sweetheart.

The title of this blog, Creatio Ex Niliho, sounds so foreign. It is latin after all. But the concept resonates with me strongly. Creation out of nothing.

Almost every hobby and interest I have has to do with creating something. Crafting an idea into reality. Building characters in a story, bringing an image in my mind to life on paper, creating a wonderful meal from simple bland ingredients.

I have a few goals for this simple little blog. First I want to share what I have learned. Teaching you a few things would be really fun for me. I have always enjoyed teaching others, and this way I can do it without getting a teaching degree.

The second goal I have for this blog is to carry you along on my journey of creation and learning. Just because I aim to teach you something does not mean I am finished learning. I love learning new things. Teach me.

The third goal, is simple, to share my life with you. Not all the details of course, but the stuff worth sharing. Knowledge, meaningful moments, accomplishments, and thoughts. Stuff that can entertain, teach, and hopefully move you.

So to add to my list in the beginning. (This makes me think of Pixar's Ratatouille.)

I am a father, husband, artist, chef, woodcarver, builder, writer, animator, student, teacher. More than me am I. If that makes sense. Then read on. :P